The works of Award winning author, Rick Pipito, and more

Posts tagged “website tools

Slightly new Look for 2013

graphic novelsOkay, so the site doesn’t look different as a whole, but there is easier navigation on the sidebar.  Now the sCrypt Comics logo is presented in its entire beauty.  Below this are the categories of our articles (just like at the top of the page).  The search engine will stay the same, and below that will be three quick links to go directly to the author spotlight pages for the Novels, books and graphic novels (available in multiple formats on, and on .

Finally, there is a like button for our facebook news feed, as well as an email entry bar for updates.  An affiliate link or two will be coming soon as well as other good stuff.  We are also working on a flash animation intro for later in the year.  Please continue to spread the word about us, and thank you for the support.

– sCrypt ComicsNovels